Psychology & Corona
Composition of expert group
Composition of expert group
Professor UCLouvain and ULB
Emotion, Emotion regulation, Personality, Health behaviors
Professor KU Leuven
Health Behavior, Stress and Health, (respiratory) Psychophysiology, Symptom Perception
Professor Ugent
Somatic Symptoms, Behavioural Change, Health Psychology, Healthy Lifestyle, eHealth
Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist
Elderly people, Geriatrics, Mental health, Caregivers, Hospital
Professor Ugent
Vulnerable Youth and Covid-19, Mental and Sexual Health, Sexual Minorities.
Professor VUB
Stress ,Trauma, Burn-out, Return to Work, Mental health en Covid-19, Firstline Psychology
Clinical Psychologist
Mental health, Clinical psychology, Policy, accessibility, Community based intervention
Professor ULiège
Health Behavior, Implementation, Quality of life, Virtual Reality, Cognitive and behavioral Therapy
Professor KU Leuven
Migration, Diversity, Inequity, Stigma, Minority Youth, Identity, Solidarity, Prosociality
Clinical psychologist
School psychology student counseling crisis intervention, psychological processing process
Professor ULB
Conspiracy Beliefs, Vaccine Hesitancy, Prejudice, Intergroup Relations, Gullibility, Disinformation
Professor UCLouvain
Intergroup Relations, Social Emotions, Norms and Attitudes, Stereotypes and Prejudices, Diversity and Inclusion, vaccine Hesitancy
Professor UCLouvain
Health Promotion, Health Psychology, Preventive Behaviour Change, Health Literacy, Capacity Building
Professor ULB en UAntwerpen
Digital Health Interventions, Healthy Lifestyles, (mental) Health Promotion, Prosocial Behavior
Professor UAntwerpen
Population Mental Health, Psychiatry, Mental Healthcare Organisation
Professor KULeuven
Risk Perception and Behavior, Verbal Communication, Stereotypes and Stereotype Change, Impression Formation, Self-other Biases in Social Comparison
Work and Organization Psychologist
Psychosocial Work Environment, Work Engagement, Resilience, Telework, Psychological safety in teams, Change & Change Resistance, Organizational Social Capital (trust, fairness & collaboration)
Scientific assistant
Covid-19, Shared decision making, Cancer, Autism Spectrum Disorder