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Psychology & Corona

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Ann DeSmet

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Digital Health Interventions, Healthy Lifestyles, (mental) Health Promotion, Prosocial Behavior

Ann DeSmet is a psychologist and behaviour change researcher with an interest in persuasive technology and methods that have the potential to engage users in healthy and prosocial behaviour, such as serious games, mobile apps, social media, chatbots and narratives. She is a professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and at University of Antwerp. Previously she worked on projects related to cyberbullying, mental health care and promotion, patient-provider communication, illegal drugs, cancer prevention and psychosocial care. Her current research focusses on developing and evaluating digital communication interventions for promoting physical, social and mental health by enhancing healthy lifestyles (e.g. physical activity, sleep, healthy diet, low sedentary behaviour) in youth, adults, and older adults.

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